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WOLFKIN > DesignTalk + Poster Exhibition

Thu, 28 Mar


Design Hub, Hollerich

WOLFKIN > DesignTalk + Poster Exhibition
WOLFKIN > DesignTalk + Poster Exhibition


28 Mar 2024, 18:00

Design Hub, Hollerich, 42 Rue de Hollerich, 1740 Gare Luxembourg


We  are thrilled to invite you to our first event of the year, featuring a  presentation by Jacques Molitor on the set and costume design for his  latest movie, “Wolfkin / Kommunioun.”

Alongside  the talk, there will be an exhibition by local illustrators and  designers showcasing alternative movie posters and illustrations  inspired by films and pop culture.

Mik  Muhlen / Paulo Tomas / Jeff Poitiers / Gianmarco Liacy / Étienne Duval /  Annick Kieffer / Maxime Percepied / Lionel Demarville

Following Jacques’s presentation, we invite you to join us for drinks, music, and good vibes.

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